Ōhama Domain

The Ōhama Domain (大浜藩 Ōhama-han?) was a short-lived Japanese domain of the Edo period, located in Shinano Province (present-day Nagano prefecture). The sole lord of Ōhama was Mizuno Tadatomo. Tadatomo, who had previously been a high-income hatamoto with holdings in the Saku district of Shinano Province, served as a page and later an assistant to the 10th shogun, Ienari. When he was promoted to wakadoshiyori, 5000 koku was added to his income, making him a fudai daimyo, and his landholdings into a formal han of over 10,000 koku.

Tadatomo's family was later transferred to the Numazu Domain, where it remained until the Meiji Restoration.
